Standardizing procedures by Test Analysis

On February 14th we asked for input on standard test libraries.  One of the examples provided shared 20 "scenarios" for Login pages.  As a starting point to standardize procedures, we will use these 20 test items.   The test items are really a checklist without specific procedures and data.  They are organized validly into GUI/Functional, Security, Session, and Configuration/Browser categories.  A state-based approach is recommended for consistently progressing through a collection of data-driven tests.

How to create common data-driven procedures from this checklist (and/or from project requirements):
1. Identify what each checklist item is providing for a test procedure (DATA, VERIFICATION as a standard or extended procedure, or a GUIDELINE).
2. Define a standard procedure for each unique VERIFICATION and the variable DATA needed for that procedure.
3. Define rows in the data table to verify each item.
4. Define all steps to execute each procedure.

The plain text format of each test case for standard verification scenario with data (<variables>) coming from data table is:

From the <starting> link, enter username: <username> and password: <password> with <method> action and VERIFY the masked password and final state: <Project Page | Error>.


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