REVIEW: DevOps Practice » Debunking Five Common Automated Testing Myths
REVIEW: " Debunking Five Common Automated Testing Myths BY ELYSIA LOC K of DevOps Practice " Summary: Although " automated testing is imperative for DevOps maturity and success", many things hold us back from achieving success with automation, and among these (mis) beliefs and issues are: 1. " We Don’t Have the Time to Slow Down and Add Automation" - many organizations have proven the investment in smart automation pays dividends over time. A few general examples... 2. " Automated Testing Is Too Difficult and Frankly, Just Not Worth It " - start with high value low hanging fruit and make a solid foundation for growth. 3. "We Have to Hire a Specialized Person" - I will take the counterpoint here and disagree. I believe that although most people in your org likely can learn and start to automate, THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT part of your automation strategy, DO NOT RE-INVENT THE WHEEL . If you do not have a person