
Showing posts from March, 2021

Who applies for software test jobs?

Anyone who knows me, knows I have a passion for software testing. Software testing is a diverse field lacking standardization, and software test standardization is a specific area I enjoy.  So when I found this article sharing data on people and skills from applications for a specific software testing position, it was a must read. I highly recommend you spend at least five minutes reading this and thinking about software test standardization:  by Chris Kenst Reviewed by KLOMAR 

ARE: automated and English text software test translators; ARE NOT: Linguists or Localization translators

Welcome!  To clarify the most significant confusion our viewers face, let me clarify the current KLOMAR focus: KLOMAR can translate your automated software tests (Selenium, RPA, test data, and others) and English language manual software tests into new automation languages or standardized common language English manual tests. KLOMAR does not do language localization or linguistic services. Please let us know how we can assist - even if it is beyond our current focus.