
Don't Let This Be YOU: Mazda bricks Radios with Software Defect

 ARS Technica article on Mazda radio defect by  JONATHAN M. GITLIN  -  2/9/2022 SummARY: A critical real-time defect in Mazda radios was triggered by a Seattle radio station.  If you were unfortunate enough to have this  2014 to 2017  Mazda radio and live in the Seattle area listening to  94.9 FM , the radio was no longer usable.  Files with no extension were (like .jpg) were the use case that sent the radio into constant reboot condition rendering it useless.  Read the full article at link above.  Yes, I was slow to find this gem.  Please share if you find more like it!

Sw Test Article of 2023:

functionality-decomposition-could-hold-the-key-to-faster-effective-regression-testing-heres-how  by  Senthil Kumar  : Simple Structured Test based on Functional Decomposition

F35 System Testing

Many calendar years of development and testing have gone into one of the most complex vehicle systems ever -  the F-35. This article details how performance and  End User / Operational Testing of F-35  is being performed.

TDM Tools Review (QA Lead)

Test Data Management Tools Review  by Duncan Elder published in QA Lead is a solid baseline of market options.  Solutions range from multifunction test solutions to specialized data management (only) solutions.

Test Data Generation Tools : Market Analysis

 Software test data generation tools are a somewhat new and very segmented market. This market analysis available at Market Reports attempts to capture who owns shares of this market.  The full report can be yours for only $3900.

Trends 2022

 Where has the last year gone?  It is time again to review yearly trends in software testing!  Decent read: intro to top 6 below; I know the suspense for the others will be overwhelming. Geeks2 top-10-software-testing trends 1. IoT Testing - everything is connected. See #6 2. Codeless Automation - is this finally the year for a major shift?  History says “no”. 3. Blockchain - follow the $$ 👍🏻 4. Big Data - is this finally the year for gold in big data?  Find smart data analytics people yet. 5. Performance Engineering - speed is king 6. Cybersecurity - true #1

Who applies for software test jobs?

Anyone who knows me, knows I have a passion for software testing. Software testing is a diverse field lacking standardization, and software test standardization is a specific area I enjoy.  So when I found this article sharing data on people and skills from applications for a specific software testing position, it was a must read. I highly recommend you spend at least five minutes reading this and thinking about software test standardization:  by Chris Kenst Reviewed by KLOMAR